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BDMS origins..

The Boat Dock Mooring System (BDMS) was born out of necessity. Many people ask me why I developed the BDMS.  When they hear my story they are very interested in getting this system for their boat. In 2011, Hurricane Irene was moving into the local forecast at an alarming pace, and a quick, effective, way to stabilize the boat on our lagoon was critical.


My boat was moored on my dock with dock lines and mooring whips. With Hurricane Irene forcasted to hit our area in two days, many boat owners, including myself, were caught off guard, and the window of opportunity to dry dock boats was closing rapidly. I contacted my boat guy (everyone in NJ's got a guy, LOL) to remove my boat.  Due to demand, he was unable to commit to removing my boat and other haulers were overwhelmed.  He recommended securing the boat as best I could.


Not taking any chances, I devised the BDMS system.  Fast forward... I returned after the storm to find my boat in perfect condition, no damage sustained!  My confidence in this system was proven, and I have been relying on it ever since.  Under similar conditions, I would do my best to dry dock, but would feel confident in this system to ride out the storm if necessary. I invite you to explore our site and get on board with our confident Boat Dock Mooring System

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